Asset Design and Valuation

A corporation’s valuation is not always tied to revenue or profits. You must start by understanding that at one level - your company is an asset and that asset carries a value. While often overlooked, In strategic planning it is important to open your aperture a bit and view the corporation as a whole. What have you created that is unique and differentiated? Do you really have the basis of a company, product, or feature? Your unique value may come from the specific talent you have hired developed into a team. It could be the number of cameras installed. It could be number of servers positioned around the world.

At Quova, we collected detailed data about the infrastructure of the internet in order the determine the geographic location of an IP address. The product was an IP intelligence database service used numerous use cases ranging from localization of advertising, languages, currency, content to fraud detection to geo-containment for licensing. We were profitable and had a great recurring revenue stream from major corporations like Microsoft, Google Amazon, American Express, Major League Baseball, MGM Mirage. In the end though, our greatest value came from the data collection, decisioning, and distribution platform we had built as well as the 12+ years of unique data collected about the infrastructure of the internet.

AH will review your plans to help you identify the ultimate value of what you are creating. AH can work with their relationships in the investment banking industry to get specific feedback on your markets and relative valuations. The market position can tremendously impact the multiples used to calculate your value.